The opening speech from your humble curator.

Damian Michaels
Curator / Director


An exhibition of 34 artists

from 14 different countries

open from 13th April - 20th May

at the Orange Regional Gallery in


NSW, Australia

Featuring works by HR Giger, Ernst Fuchs, Alex Grey, Norbert Kox, Arik Brauer and many others... a 24 page catalogue is available through the museum for AU$12 (credit cards accepted).

To order a catalogue or to find out more about the show, please email:

Alan Sisley: Director - [email protected]
Here is one from the beginning of the evening, Alan Sisley, director, opening the show with his speech. Behind Alan are two works. On the left is Rubinov-Jacobson's painting, a Hommage to Fuchs and on the right, Norbert Kox's painting "Ephraim & Manneseh". Brigid Marlin at it again with her famous dry wit and quick sense of humour - her opening speech shot. In the background, works by Olga Spiegel ( Panorama ) and Phil Rubinov Jacobson ( The Shaman, a Hommage to Ernst Fuchs ).

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