| OPENING - Wednesday 12th September, 6-8pm
First Draft Gallery
116 - 118 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills
1 - 13th September to 23rd September 2001
'Being and Circumstance'
Glenda Ewin
'Being and Circumstance' is about visually changing a space through the photographic process. By taking a range of photographs dealing with issues of the 'void' and spatial viewing, my intention is to create spatially ambiguous images that cannot be reduced to a single meaning. I am interested in how these images are then perceived and interpreted by the viewer. My aim is that through contemplation, the viewer may be able to reach a state of calm where they engage their perception and imagination, and thus respond to and enjoy the beauty of the new space.
Paintings by Katerina Sakkas
'Interplay' is an installation of portrait-style oil paintings which range in subject from real people who have posed for the artist to decidedly strange and distorted figures whose anatomy does not quite add up. By presenting these two different types of painting in a coherent display 'Interplay' seeks to make visual connections between the everyday and the bizarre, the real and the unreal. The result resembles a portrait gallery where the boundaries between slick distortion and spontaneous realism begin to merge, drawing attention to the painting process itself.
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