Cnr Riley and Reservoir Streets Surry Hills Sydney
9280 2714
gallery hours thurs - sat 12pm - 6pm
[email protected]

opening August 1 2001 Show runs Aug 2 - 18 2001

Gallery 1 - Harold David and Mark Megahey - 'Rapture'
Gallery 2 - Angelica Mesiti - The Future is Now

Rapture: A state of religious or sexual ecstasy.
Rapture: First song recorded by a white band to use black style of spoken word delivery - Blondie 1980.
Rapture: Collaboration between photographer Harold David and painter Mark Megahey - Rubyare Gallery July 2001.

Certain Christian doctrines teach that on a special day God will open the heavens and the Chosen Ones will be spirited from the Earth to live a wonderful existence with him in Heaven.

Harold David has used these childhood lessons to create a series of large scale photographs that are gritty, surreal and transcendent. Mark Megahey has stripped the colour and perspective from these photos in his paintings - coolly artificial 2D versions of the same constructed images.

David's published and exhibited work is known for its energetic and vital qualities. The tension between subject and their situation is a starting point for his portraiture and fashion stories alike. Megahey's imagery works almost in reverse. He will take a published photo, usually from a fashion spread and drain it of detail and depth - leaving a fragile ghost of the original.

In Rapture, their first collaboration Megahey and David have drawn a fine line in the sand. Published images vs exhibited Original vs processed Painting vs photography What is real? What is more real?

Gallery 2 - Angelica Mesiti
The Future is Now
slogans for a lifestyle

New video work by Sydney artist Angelica Mesiti where 'reality signifying' shakey camera work is pasted next to cardboard cut out sets of a city. A computer generated image of a man falls endlessly from a model skyscraper (quoting more famous origins). Helicopter shots fly through video fields to the sound of muted tones from distant acoustically corrected spaces.

B grade special effects create heavily constructed realities, in this fragile cardboard metropolis.


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