Silicon Pulp's latest stunning exhibition Atomic Sushi can be seen on a special Cheez TV presentation

"Cheez Marathon",

next Tuesday 26th Sept at 9am on Channel 10.

Atomic Sushi runs until October 14th

so don't miss out. Stacks of new video titles have arrived. Atomic Sushi media release can be seen with images on

Also check our new Sales Gallery page on

Silicon Pulp presents Atomic Sushi - a bite of Japanese Animation. An exhibition of stunning original artwork from the cutting edge of anime. Featuring work from the hottest anime studio in Japan - Production IG, including hand-painted cels and backgrounds, scripts and storyboards, pre-production sketches and digital prints from their groundbreaking films

  • Ghost In The Shell,
  • Jin-Roh and their newest masterpiece
  • Blood, and the sensational TV series
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Plus rare material from such all-time classic anime features and TV series as

  • Akira,
  • Astro Boy, and
  • Dragonball Z.

Atomic Sushi   11 August - 14 October 2000

Admission : $5 Adults, $3 Concession, Children under 12 Free

Gallery Hours : 11 - 6  Wed - Fri,  10 - 4  Sat & Sun

For further information contact Gallery Directors Jan Begg / Steve Lucas:

176 Parramatta Road, Stanmore NSW 2048 Australia
Tel / Fax   61 2 9560 9176    Email
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