Schedule (definitions):

Content: data uploaded and published by a member via an ARTnews console.

Publish: uploading data to the ARTnews web site via an ARTnews console and clicking save as a part of this process.

member: a business, organisation or individual who has access to an ARTnews console.

Representatives: people who use a member's user name and password and accest heir ARTnews account, so having access to edit a members data.

ARTnews: a small business venture located at

Disclaimer: an ARTnews member's understanding of their responsibilties and garuntees committed to by ARTnews

I understand that I (presuming that I successfully apply for an ARTnews membership) will be solely responsible for the content published online via my dedicated ARTnews console, including that material published by my representatives, the people who use my user name and password to access and edit the information published on my account via my ARTnews console.

My representatives or I will not abuse the publishing power of ARTnews' self administered, "direct to live", online, dedicated to member control and moderation, publishing system in ways outlined in the following paragraphs.

I also understand that I can enter as many news items as I am physically able to at any time but that I will utilize the "publish from" and "end date" fields in the exhibition dialogue box, to distribute the blocks of time over which each item will appear in the newsfeeds viewed by ARTnews' public on the regional and key word pages.

  • In the "publish from" field I will type: the date from which the item appears in the ARTnews newsfeed.
  • In the "end date" I will type: the date that the exhibition ends, coinciding with the date that item disappears from the newsfeeed, only to be accessed by our search engine and links from a members home page.

I will organize it so that no more then two items appear in the news feed system at any one time. This is unless I am a large publicly funded institution that has special permission to do so or I have, legitimately, more then 2 exhibitions or events with separate opening events happening over the same published duration.

The written and visual content of the material I publish on ARTnews will never contravene the Federal and State Laws of Australia. In other words I will not use ARTnews for any illegal activity.

I understand that the only circumstances under which an ARTnews administrator will intervene in the management of my account is if either:

  • I do not settle my account by honouring an agreed upon invoice from ARTnews in a timely manner,
  • OR if I or my representatives abuse the ARTnews system by publishing a greater number of items then the number outlined above,
  • OR if I or my representatives do not manage the size of the images in my account adequately.

I understand that I may publish as many images as I like and that they will remain, permanently in my ARTnews account to be found by people looking for my kind of product, forever, that I may in fact document whole exhibitions and publish them here but that my image size may not exceed 40 kB. Any images above this size no matter what role the image plays in my presentation, will be deleted by the ARTnews administrator plus the ARTnews system will soon be upgraded so that images exceeding this size simply will not be able to be uploaded. I will not be an image size hog, as it impacts on ARTnews' overall broadband use and consequently ARTnews' running expenses.

I will also only use the ARTnews console to publish material that serves to promote exhibitions associated with my business. This material may be reproduced from catalogue essays or media releases or artists' statements speicifc to the relevant shows.

I will not use the ARTnews console to publish material that defames or comments on business not pertaining to my own.

ARTnews will not moderate or correct the material I publish in any way other then the three ways outlined above. ARTnews and its representatives will be in no way responsible for the content I publish.

I also assume complete responsibility for the matieral published by my representatives and that the content published by them will conform in every way to the above conditions I am about to show that I agree to by filling in the form below and submitting the information before I click through to my console by clicking, "I agree".

I am also aware that ARTnews committs to not sell the content I publish via my member's console without first consulting with me and arranging something that is to my advantage, with my approval.

ARTnews in turn committs to provide access to these resources and the maintenance of whatever I publish, online, for the duration of it's life. I wish ARTnews success for their success is mine.

Phone Number:
Please accept my application for ARTnews membership &/or acknowledge my agreement with the above understanding of my repsonsilbities.

Your membership will be confirmed by phone before beginning if I haven't spoken with you already.

Have fun!

Advice from ARTnews: Please save this page to your hard drive to show your representatives before they use your console.

ARTnews Business System and Design © Jayne Waterford, 2003. All rights reserved. Contact: web, email.