As of Jan 2001 the weeklyu gallery hire is: single artist - $150 p.w. * two artists - $110 each p.w. * Three artists - $90.00 each p.w. * four artists - $75 each p.w. Large groups pay the Insitutional Rate of $320 p.w. GST included.
Exhibitions usually run for three weeks. Artists also pay for the painting of the advertising billboard (approx. $90).
Artists are responosible for:
mounting/demounting exhibitions and leaving the gallery as it was before the show
- artwork and printing of invitiations
- purchase and preparationi of refreshments for the opening
- minding the gallery on Saturdays frm 11am - 5pm
The Tin Sheds Gallery wilol prepare and distribute a press release. Mai lout 200 invitations to our mailing list.
Organise exhibition lisitings in Art Almanac and Metro.
The gallery charges a 25% coimmission on sales.
Proposal submission date is 30 June.
Proposals should include clearly labelled, recent slides, CV and concise outline of the proposed exhibition. Outline should detail concept, media, number & scale of works, and how the work will be presented in the gallery. Proposal forms are abvaialble form the gallery. Address your proposal to: Exhibitions Committee, Tin Sheds Gallery, 154 City Road, Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney, NSW, 2006.