March 2000
Leichhardt & Arts TourismWhich part of Newtown is served by Leichhardt Council? None of it. Leichhardt encroaches on the Western side of Parramatta Road and that's as close as it gets. The Council is currently surveying tourism industries within the Glebe, Balmain and Leichhardt precincts in their L.G.A. by piggy backing on the research already conducted by Kevin Williams and the consultants who went before him.
Due to a limited but existing budget, money has already been set aside for the production of fact sheets. Ann Martin looks after the whole programme. The fact sheets address the key tourist experiences such as food, heritage walking tours, parks, and cultural experiences including the arts.
There is loose talk about the formation of Precinct Committees whereby each precinct would be making its own decisions through grass-roots work-shops. Such committees would potentially survive any change in government as they would always be defined topologically, the communities they represent will always exist. For example they might be called Tourism N.S.W. Precincts and will always exist on their own.
Projects undertaken by Leichhardt council in this area are done by consultation where Ann invites people to participate based on her understanding of her municipality. This local tourism strategy is a ten-year project funded by Council and Tourism N.S.W.
(Just as a note of interest Kevin William's project is federally funded, as it is regional by nature.)